Monthly Archives: February 2013


Twenty-two trillion dollars. I thought I’d write it out. That’s not some random number I came up with off the top of my head–That’s the number from a study by the Government Accountability Office, and it’s their best guess of the money lost when the economy went off a cliff in the summer of 2008. […]

Bradley Manning right to a speedy trial denied

This is an update on the Bradley Manning case. It was written by Nathan Fuller and you can find the full version here. Emphasis mine.  Nathan Fuller, Bradley Manning Support Network. February 26, 2013. On PFC Bradley Manning’s 1,005th day in prison without trial, military judge Denise Lind ruled that the government has not deprived him […]

Why do Conservatives use Facebook?

I admit it–I’m a Facebook junkie. But lately, my enthusiasm has dropped a good deal because I’m not hearing from a lot of people. As part of my work here (and my work on various social causes), I’m subscribed to a gazillion pages and friend accounts. And unbeknownst to me, Facebook has limits on the […]

Bradley Manning spends his 1,002nd day in jail without trial

On Saturday, there were vigils and protests all over the world to commemorate the fact that former US Army PFC Bradley Manning has spent one thousand days in jail without being given a trial. His crime was leaking information to Julian Assange and the Wikileaks consortium, which then appeared everywhere. In particular, Manning had leaked […]

Sister Megan Rice of the Transform Now Plowshares

Last Summer, three peace activists were able to break into the Y12 nuclear production facility in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Once inside, they hammered on the cornerstone of the new High Energy Uranium Manufacturing Factory (used for producing fuel for weapons). The group is called the Transform Now Plowshares, a movement that takes its inspiration from […]

My interview with Sister Megan Rice of the Transform Now Plowshares: UPDATE

UPDATE 5/17/2013: the Sex and Politics podbean site is not putting up the sound file for this interview. The podcast for this interview can be found on iTunes here. If you listen to Sex and Politics, the radio show I’m on (and if you don’t, by golly you SHOULD), you would have caught my interview […]

Originally posted on Transform Now Plowshares:
PHOTOS OF PLOWSHARES PROTEST AGAINST NUCLEAR WEAPONS AND NEW BOMB PLANT PROPOSED FOR Y-12 COMPLEX IN OAK RIDGE ARE RELEASED (press release) Use the grey sidebars below to flip the pages of the pdf document, or click a page to view fullscreen. The Transform Now Plowshares resisters, Michael Walli,…

BBC taken to court over 9/11 coverage

The sane wing of the 9/11 truth movement is about to get its day in court. Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, a group of 1,600 engineers, metallurgists and architects, has been working  to demand a re-investigation of the 9/11 building collapses, arguing that the science and design practices they embrace indicate that the buildings did […]

A court challenge to the BBC over 9/11 coverage

Last year I told you all to watch a video about 9/11 that was not Loose Change or some other odd piece of Youtubery that your cousin found late one night before the Xanax kicked in (I especially like the two minute long file  of two seconds of video purportedly showing that both jets hitting […]

Obama’s drone policy expands definitions of ‘enemies’

This is an article I posted two weeks ago. It has some interesting links both to information about the Obama drone policy and the protesters who’ve been trying to call attention to the downsides of the use of drones against American citizens (and everyone else, too). Currently, there’s a prisoner of conscience named Brian Terrell […]