Author Archives: Brooklyn Culture Jammers

the smoke disaster above NYC

you want to see video? its here has been overrrun with clouds of smoke blowing south from Canada.Yellow smoke stinking of fires has paved over the five boroughs. this is midtown Manhattan yesterday June 7 at 1 pm. my part of Brooklyn had yellow skies and the air stank, but it wasn’t apocalyptic. And […]


Dont go by this guy. He has no value system and he’s been getting this wrong for years. So here’s the conundrum. two projections of our possible future. On the one hand, there’s the projection from Sam Carana of the Arctic Methane Emergency group. Carana does not mince words. As I’ve put forward before, Carana […]

Good news/bad news

I know, but the news is back and forth. This is from my website . I posted from Sam Carana, a scientist from the ARCTIC METHANE EMERGENCY GROUP. A search of my site will reveal other statements from Carana. You can find the original post here. it felt like bad news. But new evidence has […]

latest word from Sam Carana.

If you scroll through my writing(800+ articles), you’ll reveal the name of a climate scientist named Sam Carana with Arctic Methane Emergency Group. I’ve followed his work for many years. but this is beyond anything previously put out. he posted tw0 relevant articles. this is the easy one: if y0u want something less ‘arty’ but […]

Whatever happened to INHERIT THE WIND?

Inherit the Wind. From the movie. So from my youth, this is what happened in theatre based on politics: The right wing would be in ascendancy in the US. Nixon or Reagan would get in the White House, or bills would come before congress demanding that prayer be reinstalled in schools. And almost like clockwork, […]

The MEER project–last chance for human survival?

I haven’t written much about MEER, but it’s the only global warming mitigation strategy that has any chance of heading off a Sixth Mass Extinction due to global warming. Pioneered by Dr. Ye Tao, Meer is a strategy of using reflective metal panels to prevent solar radiation from hitting the earth and heating the planet. […]

SAVE FLORIDA’S CULTURE (a modest goal)(updated)

The news from the Sunshine State is depressing. The governor there, Ron DeSantis, has somehow become the heir apparent to the GOP presidential race, and is running on a campaign of almost fascist talking points. There are multiple sources to show which books have been banned in Florida counties, but you could start here . […]

On the stories of 9/11 still unanswered

My appearance at the Orlando Fringe in TWENTY BLOCKS NORTH OF THE ROCKPILE I wrote two plays about 9/11. One is ready to go, gives scant info about my conspiratorial suspicions, and was performed in NYC in March 2022 (with an early version performed at the Theater for the New City several years ago). The […]

After 2023 What?

This echoes the title of a Robert Benchley anthology I grew up with as a kid. AFTER 1903 WHAT? Published in 1938, I suppose it was a satire on the hinky apocalyptic things being circulated by evangelicals who (as we know with hindsight) were wrong. Anyone alive in 1903 (or 1938 for that matter) knew […]

Performing onstage and other detours (a WordPress article)

responding to a wordpress inquiry– have I performed onstage?– yes I have and the details are here: