Dont go by this guy. He has no value system and he’s been getting this wrong for years.

So here’s the conundrum. two projections of our possible future. On the one hand, there’s the projection from Sam Carana of the Arctic Methane Emergency group. Carana does not mince words.

As I’ve put forward before, Carana is an accomplished scientist. Its probable that his vision of El Nino, La Nina is correct. If true, this is our last year before the Arctic goes ice free. Once the arctic goes ice free, this is the last year where the planet will provide us with survivable habitat.Explained here.

Or there’s this. A prediction from the good Dr McPherson from the Naval Postgraduate college. In this prediction, its alleged that the Arctic WILL NOT GO ICE FREE THIS YEAR.

An expedition from Germany from a few years back showing that the ice around the North Pole is gone.

So… Wazzup? will we be doomed to a BOE (blue ocean event)? will we get through the rest of the year with ice still in the North Pole? Who knows??

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