Category climate disruption

The Real purpose of the IPCC Revealed

The real purpose of the IPCC (envisioned by Reagan’s administration) was to downplay the threat of extinction posed by the rising temperatures of Global Warming. Thanks and a hat’s off to Kevin Hester, activist and public voice on such mendacity. I’d rather you read Kevin’s take on things than watch my attempt to filter or […]

Hell Awaits Rex Tillerson

Just wanted to point out the obvious. For those joining late, Rex Tillerson is Trump’s former Secretary of State. But before that, Tillerson was one of the many people who served as CEO of Exxon, the biggest company in the world. Not Oil company big, Company big. Bigger than anyone (debate over the size of […]

Intergenerational Climate blame is BS

Lots of blame to go around as the clock ticks down on human Existence. I’ve been around the Millennial generation for awhile. I hung around with the younger people at Occupy Wall Street and stayed friends even after the movement collapsed. I wouldn’t be a Millennial for all the cocaine money in Bogota (Colombia, not […]

New York Sizzles in the Wrong Way

I’ve been trying to put in miles on my bike this summer–at least 50 miles per week, and more if I don’t have gigs in the offiing. But this weekend, not so much. The temperatures anticipated for NYC (and most of the eastern part of the US) are in the wet bulb range. I’ve tried […]


Planet Phuckett (a theatrical romp through human extinction), a new one-person show about global warming and the threat of human extinction, will be performed at the Alanta Fringe Festival during the week of June 3-9. DATES: Thursday – June 6 | 11:00 PM Saturday – June 8 | 3:30 PM & 8:00 PM Sunday – June […]

Our friends the trees are slackers

I got in a dumb argument with someone on YouTube about a video. It’s about average for your fights on the Internets machine, but since some of the data might be interesting to you, I print it here as a courtesy. This is a story from the Financial Times of London: Short form: A company […]

The Clown of Death: FAQ

(Preface: Apologies for the title. I wanted to say I was the ‘angel of death’ but that brings up Holocaust imagery in a way I didn’t want. I feel like I was representing Death, the character in the movie ‘Seventh Seal‘. But I wasn’t sure people would remember the movie. Remember this scene? I thought […]

The McPherson Paradox (updated)

So THIS happened–a group of earnest committed young people went to Senator Dianne Feinstein’s office to ask her to sign on for the ‘Green New Deal‘ program being pushed by progressive Democrats like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders (technically not a Democrat, but Progressives will take you if you’re warm). Things went badly. Someone took […]


There I am!! Bushwick, you are too beautiful for words… A rewrite of an earlier play, PLANET PHUCKETT bears a lot of resemblance to my play PLANET HOSPICE. I had performed it several times in the past, and the world wasn’t ready for it. I also had to learn how to be present. The story […]

Extinction Rebellion hits NYC

Saturday was the first NY Extinction Rebellion event in the US. I have a death shroud, so I had to go. You shoulda been there! Rev Billy started people singing and dancing and then they all marched down to Rockefeller Center. Because of my costume and my need to help Elliot move all his props […]