Monthly Archives: August 2013

Feeding the poor and homeless is now a crime

So apparently, feeding the homeless is being made a crime in many cities. According to this piece in USA Today: Atlanta, Phoenix, San Diego, Los Angeles, Miami, Oklahoma City and more than 50 other cities have previously adopted some kind of anti-camping or anti-food-sharing laws, according to the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty. […]

Calling out Hobby Lobby!

So David Green, the CEO and founder of Hobby Lobby published a notice last month announcing that we would rather put himself out of business than comply with the mandates of the ACA (‘Obamacare’) that involve birth control. You can read the entirety of his comments here.  The relevant passage: A new government healthcare mandate […]

How to Stop the Empire–the Chelsea Manning edition

For those of you joining me for the first time, I wrote this funny little play a couple years back called HOW TO STOP THE EMPIRE WHILE KEEPING YOUR DAY JOB. It was fairly successful, and the YouTube presentation got a lot of views. People who remember the play (or who saw the video) say […]


Originally posted on #Op Manning:
SENTENCING EXPECTED 19-21 AUGUST PFC MANNING IS FACING LIFE IN PRISON FOR EXPOSING WAR CRIMES PAD:  Add actions and ideas here: CHATS: IRC Chan: #Manning Anonops IRC irc:// Chan: #manning #opManning jabber chat: TAKE URGENT ACTION: Email addresses attributed to Judge Lind:

Bradley Manning Gets his sentence today-UPDATE

Today, some time around 10 AM, we will know Bradley Manning’s sentence for letting the world know about the collateral murder of Reuters reporters. You can argue a slew of other issues (that he revealed secrets, he violated his military oath, etc.), but it comes down to the same issue as was present in a […]

Top Ten things in Wikileaks ‘Insurance file’–play along!

Yesterday, it was announced that Wikileaks had uploaded a giant (400 gigabyte) encrypted file (and published links to the file on Facebook) as insurance against bad things happening to people like Julian Assange. This is not the first time they’ve done so– a few years ago when the ‘collateral murder’ and other files attributed to […]

Glenn Greenwald’s partner detained;

So in case you haven’t heard this already, Glenn Greenwald (who broke the Edward Snowden case through The Guardian) reported that his partner David Miranda was detained for nine hours in the UK under Britain’s Terrorism Act. Miranda was in flight from Berlin back to his home in Brazil and not even staying in Britain–and […]

Cultu-ah on da way! This Friday!

There was once this great church in Greenwich Village called WASHINGTON SQUARE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH. It drew me back to believing at a time when I had no use for religion, and it gave me access to an amazing and loving community. Alas, it is gone. It opened its doors before the Civil War and […]

A liberal meme I’m sick of

“Never forget that everything Adolf Hitler did in Germany was legal”: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  Okay, I don’t want people to presume I’m dissing Dr. King. When this line appeared in “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” in 1963, it was surely inflammatory–as incendiary as anything ever said to a complacent American public. And it […]