Monthly Archives: January 2019

Extinction Rebellion hits NYC

Saturday was the first NY Extinction Rebellion event in the US. I have a death shroud, so I had to go. You shoulda been there! Rev Billy started people singing and dancing and then they all marched down to Rockefeller Center. Because of my costume and my need to help Elliot move all his props […]

The Kids are NOT alright in Colorado

  The highest court in Colorado has thrown out the Earth Guardians case against fracking and other extractive fossil fuel mining practices in the state.  Ecowatch has a short, succinct article on the case. I’ll put up some quotes here, but their article explains all the ramifications.  I had hopes (as many of us did) […]

Oil money, Republicans and Russia

From Scott Dworkin, who organizes for the Democratic Coalition against Trump. Many of my friends are fleeing Facebook–tired of the arbitrary suspensions and censorship (AKA ‘Facebook Jail’) and worried about oversharing on a social network that has its own agenda beyond making a buck. I haven’t done so, primarily because I have lots of ‘friends’ […]

Reblogging–Religion, Science and Gaining Traction

This is a post from Guy McPherson’s NATURE BATS LAST website that’s relevant in context of the Malcolm Light assertion about our survival being down to months. There’s a 46 minute video that Guy made in light of the dire message we’ve gotten in terms of the near certainty of earth experiencing a Permian style […]

Happy new year…

Sorry…. Just reporting the news. If you’ve been following this page for the last six years, you know that I’ve occasionally called on the projections of Dr. Malcolm Light. Dr. Light’s focus has been on the Arctic and Arctic Methane. This just out, courtesy of my blogger friend SEEMORE ROCKS.  The title: GLOBAL EXTINCTION WITHIN 18 […]

Prosecutors demand 5-year prison terms for Tepco’s ex-bosses for Fukushima nuclear disaster

Originally posted on Fukushima 311 Watchdogs:
Prosecutors say TEPCO leaders should have known the risks a tsunami could pose to the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant, which sits along Japan’s eastern coast. Here, the Unit 3 reactor is seen this past summer, amid storage tanks of radiation-contaminated water. Executives In Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Deserve 5-Year Prison…