Monthly Archives: November 2014

The Ferguson Masterpost: How To Argue Eloquently & Back Yourself Up With Facts

I’ve been ruminating on a similar essay, but this one does it better. So read it!

Things you should do next week

I’ve been invited to a number of cool events that all step off next week. I don’t know if I can get to them (because the economy is recovering), but maybe you can. The events support important causes and you can see some cool people performing. Pardon me for practicing press release journalism, but I think […]

Unemployment ticks down in October

The BLS figures are in today–employment ticked down by a tenth of a percent last month to 5.8%. Total jobs added was approximately 214,000. There were also upward adjustments on previous months’ hiring. Huzzah. Would such a report have been enough to help Obama and the Democrats in last week’s elections had it come out a […]

Tuesday’s election results–why the surprise?

On Election Day, I got a job as a Brooklyn, NY poll worker, which was fortuitous. I was far too busy telling voters how to insert their ballots into the scanner to keep up with developments in the electoral auto da fe that hit most of the US. Some of the news was really shocking–I […]