Category election 2016

The Girth Certificate

A meme that’s gotten a workout over the past few days: (NOTE: THIS has been identified as an image of John Daly, a professional golfer of some girth, with Trump’s head superimposed on it. It is NOT an image of the president, but since the meme has received widespread attention, I thought it newsworthy): All […]

The Cassandra problem

I get no joy from warning people about what global warming is doing to the planet. I think I’m getting into what might be called the Elizabeth Kübler-Ross trap. Kübler-Ross admitted in her writing that the caregiver who must speak to the patient and the family when the condition is terminal will never be able […]

James Hodgkinson

Shooting in DC. The shooter took down a Republican Congressman and several of his aides at a softball event. It would have been worse but for Capitol police surrounding the softball field. Gunfire was exchanged. The accused shooter, James T Hodgkinson, is dead according to news reports. He’s a 66 year old man who lost […]

Trump’s healthcare heist and HR 676

People here know that I had no great love of the Obamacare/ACA solution to the problem that we’re the only wealthy industrialized country without universal health coverage. And (as I predicted here), Obamacare/ACA was going to be extremely unpopular with voters. Hillary Clinton (mistakenly) ran on Obamacare as a boon to people, but unless you were […]

“I feel a great disturbance in the Force”–2017 so far

I’ve never tried to predict things on the eve of a new year. This is not some bit of humility on my part. It’s because I’ve been perennially depressed by the whole Xmas season and I have no ambition by the time New Years’ rolls into sight. This year is no exception. Plans to get away […]

Live-feed from ‘How To Stop the Empire’

This being the first day of the Trump presidency, it seemed as auspicious a time as any to premiere my latest iteration of my one-man play HOW TO STOP THE EMPIRE WHILE KEEPING YOUR DAY JOB–THE PRESIDENT TRUMP EDITION. I was unable to book a gig today, January 20th, because, well, I have a sort […]

Trump’s inauguration day–Live event?

Here’s the deal. I KNOW this is a historic Inauguration in two weeks. However, I’m wrasslin’ with that debbil unemployment, and I will not be heading to DC on January 20th for the purpose of making fun of Der Drumpf’s coronation. However, I have rewritten my play HOW TO STOP THE EMPIRE WHILE KEEPING YOUR […]

Congrats to Obama and the DNC

This is brief–I was writing a long piece on the whole ‘fake news’ imbroglio and the word count was in the 2,500+ range so I’ve put it aside for the moment. This is a meme that covers things a tad more succinctly: Regardless of one’s politics, I think we all owe President Obama and Hillary […]

The economy Trump inherits

“For a three-year stretch from 1983 to 1985 during the heart of the Reagan boom, growth in the U.S. economy averaged over 5.5% per year. These two periods were unusually strong, but they show what the U.S. economy can do with the right policies. By contrast, growth in the U.S. from 2007 through 2013 averaged 1% per year. Growth in the first half of 2014 was worse, averaging just 0.95%.”

HOW TO STOP THE EMPIRE –the Trump era reboot

We are now in the Trump era. Even if the folks attempting to tip over Trump by begging electors to vote against the state totals, we will never be able as a nation to escape what has been wrought on us by this election. And I suspect all attempts to reboot the election will fail. […]