Monthly Archives: March 2018

Support the Arts today!!

The Trumpsters are coming after all funding for the arts. According to the National Endowment for the Arts, (NEA) we spent $146 M of federal money for galleries, music, dance and theater last year. That’s less than what we’re currently spending to purchase a single, semi-airworthy F35. According to the NEA’s funding history, that’s less than […]

Banksy visits my Neighborhood!!

A former gas station a few blocks from my Nabe in Brooklyn (the one being gentrified, don’tcha know) has been struck by street artist Banksy. Local news coverage drew folks to the site this AM, so I showed up with my camera. What’s weird is I have walked past this wall several times over the […]

The Flu that wasn’t

*Warning–many readers will decide this is off-the-wall paranoia of the foil-hat kind. I do not mention aliens and I don’t go off on chemtrail conspiracies. Read and think about your own personal experiences. Then combine that with the end story, seemingly unrelated, of the die-off of an obscure antelope native to North Asia. I’m just […]

Democrats sucking again–killing Dodd Frank

Once upon a time (about ten years ago) there was a stock market and a banking system and a real estate bubble. It all went crashing down during a ‘liquidity crisis’ caused in large part by over leveraged banks. The General Accounting Office, the government entity charged with assessing  the impact of government decisions on […]