Monthly Archives: May 2017

Down to 90 days?

UPDATE: this discussion comes from a posting about loss of arctic ice on the Seemore Rocks blog here. It’s worth a visit. I know, I promised not to bum people out anymore on my blog. Sorry. This came across my feed from FB friend Robin Westenra, who edits the blog Seemorerocks. He’s a fastidious researcher on […]

W.A.S.S* (Paris COP21)

  Trump pulls out of the Paris COP 21 Accord.  The social media nets are a-twitter over the news (not confirmed) that Drumpf will pull the US out of the Paris Climate accords also known as COP21. No confirmation yet, but it seems a done deal. The Donald doesn’t believe in Climate Change/Global Warming, and […]


 * Assuming you live in Tampa and live near the theater I’m performing in A week from tonight I will be in beautiful Tampa Florida at the Tampa International Fringe Festival. The purpose of my visit will be to spread lots of laffs with my play PLANET HOSPICE (a Theatrical Romp through Human Extinction). It’s […]

Baseline Temperature dishonesty at the Edge of Extinction

Originally posted on Kevin Hester:
As we get closer to the collapse of the biosphere, I have been noticing a huge distortion, if not outright lying, in the use of baseline figures for the planetary temperature increase that humans have caused with our crack like and sadly terminal addiction to carbon. “The Industrial Revolution, which…

My poster for Planet Hospice

I need to add a special thanks to the late Edvard Munch for letting the copyright expire on his most famous painting. Come see me in Tampa!!!

You say you wanna revolution?

What People quickly understood was that there was no Constitutional mechanism for a do-over. The Founders didn’t think it was necessary to back-stop the Impeachment process with a way of dumping a whole government. Or if they did, it wasn’t expressed in the Constitution. I guess them old white guy slave-owner plutocrats figured if things were in the toilet that badly, we the people would figure out the need for revolt all on our lonesome.


 * Assuming you live in Tampa and live near the theater I’m performing in A week from tonight I will be in beautiful Tampa Florida at the Tampa International Fringe Festival. The purpose of my visit will be to spread lots of laffs with my play PLANET HOSPICE (a Theatrical Romp through Human Extinction). It’s […]