Monthly Archives: January 2016

Michael Moore’s call for revolt

Michael Moore’s essay on Flint and the poisoning of the water there starts like this: Many of you have contacted me wanting to know how you can help the people of Flint with the two-year long tragedy of drinking water contaminated by the radical decisions made by the Governor of Michigan. The offer is much […]

Fukushima: the Extinction-Level Event that no one is Talking About

Doug Michael, a researcher on various subjects, contributes this blog post–An overview of Fukushima. The passage you should care about: “In March of 2015, it was reported in the Times of London, that Akira Ono, the chief of the Fukushima power station admitted that the technology needed to decommission the three melted-down reactors does not […]

Flint will bankrupt Michigan

I’ve been following the water case in Flint, Michigan. For those not up to speed, Flint’s tap water has been shown to have levels of lead so high the water qualifies as toxic waste ever since the city switched the water supply from the Great Lakes to the Flint River. The decision to switch to the […]

“The Big Short” and other inside games

I realize that even though this blog is called the Brooklyn CULTURE Jammers, I’ve never done much coverage of culture. I’m a picky consumer when it comes to popular entertainment. Part of that is about being a practitioner of sorts, something that works a lot of different ways. Also, I’m rarely taken with a play […]

Photographer goes to JAIL in US

Your government is sending an Ithaca Grandmother to prison for six months for taking photographs of a demonstration at an Air National Guard base. The convicted party is Mary Anne Grady Flores, part of a family protest lineage dating back to the 1980’s when her father John Grady did prison time for a Plowshares protest*(details […]

Why ACA may be a negative in 2016

I’ve been trying to explain to my liberal, pro-Hillary friends that championing the ACA (also ‘Obamacare’) is not a winning strategy for the Democrats. My experience with the ‘reforms’ has been that employer-provided insurance now comes with far bigger deductibles and less coverage, at least up front–you have to pay down a lot of co-pays […]

WaPo on Hillary Vs. Bernie

Screen dump from Dem debate on Sunday 1/16/2015 Hillary versus Bernie from Sunday’s Debate. The esteemed Washington Post weighed in on the debate, and their take was telling: The question we keep asking ourselves is: Do Sanders supporters care that their guy’s ideas would be dead on arrival in a Republican Congress? As he inches […]

Sleepwalking into calamity

After the last State of the Union address by our Nobel Peace Laureate, bromide/memes like the above circulated freely on the Internets. This one was at least smart enough to leave lower gas prices off the list. You probably shouldn’t draw people’s attention to the fact that oil prices have fallen off a cliff because […]

A Terrifying Jump in Global Temperatures — December of 2015 at 1.4 C Above 1890

Originally posted on robertscribbler:
A monster El Nino firing off in the Pacific. A massive fossil fuel driven accumulation of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere pushing CO2 levels well above 400 parts per million. The contribution of other greenhouse gasses pushing the total global heat forcing into the range of 485 parts per million CO2e.…

Worst stock market opening ever

I want to capture this moment, because (depending how things change), people might not have this on their radar screen a month or so from now. Remember, I warned you. The Stock Exchange lost over 5% of its value in the first week after New Year’s, and lost over 900 points. That makes this the […]