Category economics

Our Stoopid Country

For those joining us late, Jeffrey Epstein has apparently taken his own life in NY’s own MCC, one of the most secure jail facilities in the US prison system. He was on suicide watch, and had an earlier ‘incident’ a few weeks ago when bunking with an ex-cop. He thus secured his own cell and […]

The Homeless Congresswoman-elect

A political earthquake hit New York last June. A young woman named Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez knocked off a longtime incumbent Democrat Joe Crowley, who was being positioned to possibly take over Nancy Pelosi’s position as speaker. Crowley, a ‘centrist’ Democrat who in many ways the epitome of the politicos who turned off the electorate in 2016, […]

Let’s back up here…

This is a moment to back up a bit. I have put out lots of info on climate over the past five years, and some of it has changed. There are assumptions that people are making now, what with the sixth IPCC assessment now out.  A lot of folks reading my blog lately don’t understand many […]

More on the ones who know

Bill McKibben gave a revealing speech two years ago. The video above was shot in early 2016– Bill McKibben was speaking to people getting arrested for blocking a new pipeline. Hint(if you don’t have nine minutes to waste): McKibben knew by 2016 that the fight to save the earth was lost. and accidentally spilled the […]

Did we just dodge the extinction bullet?

I’ve been talking about the increasing likelihood of losing Arctic Ice this year. Scientist after scientist has come forward over the past two years to say this year could be it–that the once-dismissed projections of Guy McPherson were now supported by the projections of the Naval Postgraduate College, Harvard scientist James Anderson, and Ocean physicist […]

Caviar Dreams, updated

  I originally posted on this topic in 2012, during the time that presidential wannabe Willard Romney decided we the voters didn’t deserve to see his full tax returns.  It was a big deal that he hadn’t made public his FBAR–forms on profits or losses from foreign holdings. That’s all the money from the Cayman Islands and Switzerland and […]

Paying for Donald Trump’s Empire

This was originally written for Memorial Day weekend. I’m thinking about the things we justify by sending in our taxes. As I point out in my play HOW TO STOP THE EMPIRE WHILE KEEPING YOUR DAY JOB, being well-behaved worker bees isn’t getting us ahead and it isn’t a moral stance that can be justified. […]

So long and thanks for nuthin’

Wow–my last post was UBER depressing, huh? Sorry about that (it also had a record number of hits over 48 hour period). The data has been building up for awhile and I haven’t done a long-form piece on the predicaments. If you’re new to the blog, I don’t write often enough for these to sink […]

When September ends

The first piece of information you should know about is a video from June. I’ve been ruminating over this for a month. My first thought was Green Day’s song about waking up when September ends.  But no, this is a projection from Dr. Guy McPherson. This comes in the wake of lots of predictions by various […]

The six year cycle (a retrospective)

It’s a mandala, I tell you. The road goes on forever and the party never ends (sorta). I began writing this blog a little over six years ago. I’ve been looking at old stories on this blog, and there’s something like 650. Some of those were reblogged from other sources (Hello Kevin Hester) but I […]