Category History

Intergenerational Climate blame is BS

Lots of blame to go around as the clock ticks down on human Existence. I’ve been around the Millennial generation for awhile. I hung around with the younger people at Occupy Wall Street and stayed friends even after the movement collapsed. I wouldn’t be a Millennial for all the cocaine money in Bogota (Colombia, not […]

The Clown of Death: FAQ

(Preface: Apologies for the title. I wanted to say I was the ‘angel of death’ but that brings up Holocaust imagery in a way I didn’t want. I feel like I was representing Death, the character in the movie ‘Seventh Seal‘. But I wasn’t sure people would remember the movie. Remember this scene? I thought […]

Trump administration admits we’re doomed

What a sucky, shitty week. Everyone has been so transfixed by the battle over Trump’s SCOTUS pick, Brett Kavanaugh, that we’ve ignored my favorite existential crisis.  (Understand–there are reasons you should be concerned about Brett Kavanaugh becoming a Supreme Court Justice, including this one, but Kavanaugh’s ascension to the nation’s highest court does not constitute […]

“Trump is our last president”

There are currently two sources to the TRUMP LAST PRESIDENT bromide. The one that’s famous is from Michael Moore, film-maker who  just released his anti-Trump film titled FAHRENHEIT 11-9. In the round of interviews leading up to the release, he popularized the scary (though credible) notion that TRUMP will not ever leave the WH. You […]

US Attorneys–‘game over’ for climate

I’ve been following this case for several years. Two dozen people under the age of 18 sued the US government for not responding to climate change, thus depriving them of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Xiuhtezcatl Martinez was their public face. I saw him at Joe’s Pub (part of the Public Theater in […]

Support the Arts today!!

The Trumpsters are coming after all funding for the arts. According to the National Endowment for the Arts, (NEA) we spent $146 M of federal money for galleries, music, dance and theater last year. That’s less than what we’re currently spending to purchase a single, semi-airworthy F35. According to the NEA’s funding history, that’s less than […]

The Flu that wasn’t

*Warning–many readers will decide this is off-the-wall paranoia of the foil-hat kind. I do not mention aliens and I don’t go off on chemtrail conspiracies. Read and think about your own personal experiences. Then combine that with the end story, seemingly unrelated, of the die-off of an obscure antelope native to North Asia. I’m just […]

Rebranding culture jamming

I’ve had this blog for almost six years now. I launched it not long after a video of my play HOW TO STOP THE EMPIRE WHILE KEEPING YOUR DAY JOB made a big splash. I had performed the play as part of a theater project for the Occupy Movement titled OCCUPY THE EMPTY SPACE held […]

Flirting with nuclear disaster: a play excerpt

This is me NOT at Hiroshima. A recent Clown setup, taken by Owen Long. I have come to the realization over the past few weeks that the Masters of War are flirting with mushroom clouds again. Even though we’re unleashing routine mayhem on the poorest people of the Middle East, we have a president who […]

The Girth Certificate

A meme that’s gotten a workout over the past few days: (NOTE: THIS has been identified as an image of John Daly, a professional golfer of some girth, with Trump’s head superimposed on it. It is NOT an image of the president, but since the meme has received widespread attention, I thought it newsworthy): All […]