Monthly Archives: March 2014

The Hubbert Slope–a new monologue play

If you search my blog, you will see more than a few posts on the subject of Peak Oil. In some cases, the Peak Oil discussion is tangential (but crucial) to something else I’m blogging about. For much of the past eight years, I’ve been reading the work of people like James Howard Kunstler, Richard […]

A 20th anniversary for nuclear weapons protest

Like many of you, I have been distracted by (code for ‘taking extra Klonopin‘ over) the heightening tensions between the US and Russia over the Ukraine. There seems to be little agreement about who the guilty parties are in terms of what’s going on. True, the Russians have responded with military force, but there appears […]

Commemorate the CCC and WPA!

Wikipedia I write this on the morning that a recently-released Gallup poll revealed unemployment to be the number one concern of Americans, with almost three times as many people considering it to be a bigger problem than the deficit (23% versus 8%). For those joining us late, I’ve been posting about the subject of unemployment […]