Category Brooklyn Culture Jam Radio

Sanders end-game and the DNC

Hillary Rodham Clinton is now the official nominee for the DNC. As Sting would say, Well, good luck to ya.  I knew last year that Bernie stood almost no chance of winning the nomination. But he finished far better than any runner-up since the presidential primary system began. And between the Arnebeck lawsuit, the coming […]

Planet Hospice at United Solo NYC!!(update)

Planet Hospice (a lighthearted exploration of the sixth stage of grief, gallows humor), a new one-person show about global warming and the threat of human extinction, will be presented at the United Solo Festival on November 6 at 2 PM. The venue: UNITED SOLO THEATRE FESTIVAL at Theatre Row 410 West 42nd Street
 New York, NY 10036 […]

More Wit & Wisdom from Brian

  Brian Kenny has been posting more of his stories. I’ve been a bit… bleak here for the past few weeks, so I thought I’d lighten things up. Sadly, the studio in the picture above is no more. Brian and his art colleagues were driven out by exorbitant rent increases. So it’s nice that he […]

Caught lying in New England

I was trying to title this, and this came to mind. It reads like the standard signature block to a letter addressed to Ann Landers back in the day. You imagine some star-crossed lover in the 70’s writing Ms Landers re a complicated story of a love triangle involving brothers (it was usually those of the […]

Iowa and Bernie UPDATED

On Saturday, I did the Pinocchio Theater production of Hillary’s nose. It was a light-hearted look at Hillary’s lies a la Pinocchio (her nose getting bigger, iow). We performed it at the Union Square rally for Bernie here in NYC. There were some 2-3,000 people out in the cold, who then marched from 14th street […]

“The Big Short” and other inside games

I realize that even though this blog is called the Brooklyn CULTURE Jammers, I’ve never done much coverage of culture. I’m a picky consumer when it comes to popular entertainment. Part of that is about being a practitioner of sorts, something that works a lot of different ways. Also, I’m rarely taken with a play […]

Returning to Radio–Brooklyn Culture Jam

So here’s the deal. As many of you might know, I used to be part of a radio show called SEX & POLITICS. A product of founder and executive producer Phil Rosenberg, we covered politics, sex, the arts, and culture. It was a lot of fun and I did some great shows. Alas, the summer […]

“The Paris Agreement will see the planet burn”

This is mostly a regurgitation of a bunch of other people’s work (specifically, props to the folks at Democracy NOW, who haven’t been distracted by other news during the COP21 meeting). I don’t know whether to be relieved or saddened that many of the information dumps coming out of the COP21 Paris meeting are confirming the […]

More about ‘Planet Hospice’

So, thanks to journalist and activist Paul DeRienzo, I’ve got a picture of myself participating in last Sunday’s Climate March in NYC. And yes, people did talk to me about extinction. Not many (and I had to leave shortly after the march ended because though I have the heart of a lion, I have the […]

The symbol for our predicament

There have been many symbols and logos for climate change, global warming, and activism against environmental devastation. I’ve always been partial to the Earth FIRST! monkeywrench logo, personally. But how do you make a symbol that characterizes extinction? Some friends came up with this t-shirt design, which I hereby allow all of you to copy and […]