Monthly Archives: June 2016

Jet Stream Crosses Equator, Unprecedented?

Originally posted on Paul Beckwith, Climate System Scientist:
Unprecedented?  Jet Stream Crosses Equator // Published on Jun 28, 2016 The jet stream in the Northern Hemisphere has crossed the equator and joined up with the jet stream in the Southern Hemisphere. This is new behaviour, and indicates that climate system mayhem is ongoing. Our  climate…

Bernie’s DNC platform dustup

I want this to be really short, because I want to focus on the Omar Mateen story again. For those joining us late: I have made no secret for my advocacy of having a President named Bernie Sanders. While there are stories out of California that the actual ongoing counting of absentee and provisional ballots […]

Stop reading this blog!

(Trigger warning–historical photo below that will upset you) The title of this article  is only half-serious. I promised an update on the evolving story of Omar Mateen, but that can wait. You need to read a book that has consumed me over the past few days. The title of the book is The Devil’s Chessboard: […]

Dossier on Hillary Clinton from DNC

Originally posted on GUCCIFER 2.0:
This’s time to keep my word and here’re the docs I promised you. ? It’s not a report in one file, it’s a big folder of docs devoted to Hillary Clinton that I found on the DNC server. The DNC collected all info about the attacks on Hillary Clinton and prepared…

Enough, Already!

A diatribe against Second Amendment ‘freedom’ I’m fresh off anger over the disgraceful Senate vote against restricting individuals on the terror watch list from purchasing weapons. My librul friends are posting their disgust, while my tinfoil hat uh, friends, are posting things like this meme above. For the record: We did not get a Second Amendment because […]

Omar Mateen’s story unravels (updated)

A caveat here. My sympathy still lies with not only the victims of the Orlando massacre and their families, but my many LGBT friends who’ve (understandably) been taking this attack to heart. I had hoped that we would have some sort of closure in the days that followed news about the massacre. As usual, the mainstream […]

Orlando 2016 massacre

It’s been over 48 hours now since a shooter named Omar Mateen walked into the Pulse (a gay bar in Orlando) while armed with an AR 15, explosives, and lots of ammunition. He had gone to the bar on ‘Latin Night’, a highlight of  the week leading up to Gay Pride week. The sequence of events […]

Why Trump is winning

I’ve been working on a project of sorts lately. Undertaken by some progressive liberals I know, the impetus of the project is to find experts in a variety of fields who will assess what they think a Trump presidency will look like (in terms of damage to the US’ international prestige as well as economic and […]