Category Peak oil


I open this post with a picture of a video confrontation from nine years ago. DAILY SHOW host Jon Stewart took on the people who appear on CNBC, a 24 hour network that (mis)advises people on their finances. CNBC celebrity Jim Cramer was upset, so Stewart invited him on to defend himself. It was probably […]

Our energy predicament

My blog today is based on this meme, which showed up on my FB feed.  It was first put out in 2015 by an anti-AGW ‘skeptic’ group. Snopes actually did an overview of the arguments and found it was a ‘mixture’ of truth. Thomas Homer-Dixon was misquoted in  his statement above, because though he wrote […]

Where your job went and why it won’t come back

A week or so ago I posted a fancy-pants essay by Kevin Hester, one of my buds in the NTHE movement (near term human extinction for the uninitiated). It used the language of the anti-capitalism movements, including the Occupy Wall Street folks. The thesis of Hester’s article was that capitalism is dying because the planet […]

Just to be clear(see ya later)

I’ve taken a step back here–I’m going to be going away for a few days, and I probably won’t be posting again til the 20th. I’ve also got to admit I’ve been drawn into the election (and neglecting other stories of note), especially the Democratic primary. I’m a political junkie of no small level, and […]

Sleepwalking into calamity

After the last State of the Union address by our Nobel Peace Laureate, bromide/memes like the above circulated freely on the Internets. This one was at least smart enough to leave lower gas prices off the list. You probably shouldn’t draw people’s attention to the fact that oil prices have fallen off a cliff because […]

Meet the Percapitas! and why we’re facing extinction

This is a five year old article that addresses the crux of our problem in facing human extinction. It’s brilliantly executed by one Tim Murray, and brought to my attention by Gail Zawacki, who blogs away under the title At Wits End in New Jersey. This is how the piece starts:   Hi there! We’re […]

We’re screwed– evidence no longer matters

This has been on my mind for a few days now. It was sparked by an article in VOX about why we’re stuck in neutral vis a vis the gun violence in this country. And it’s also why (COP21 Paris notwithstanding) we won’t come up with anything that can realistically be called a ‘plan’ to deal […]

“The Paris Agreement will see the planet burn”

This is mostly a regurgitation of a bunch of other people’s work (specifically, props to the folks at Democracy NOW, who haven’t been distracted by other news during the COP21 meeting). I don’t know whether to be relieved or saddened that many of the information dumps coming out of the COP21 Paris meeting are confirming the […]

Don’t know much about AGW–EXXON KNEW

This is a series I’ve posted in from time to time. The point of the title (‘don’t know much about….’) is meant to highlight a subject that I’ve found to be generally misunderstood or not part of the general knowledge of most people. The inspiration for the series was Kenneth C Davis‘ DON’T KNOW MUCH […]

New York’s grid is broken (long-ish)

For the better part of nine years, I’ve been a really self-righteous individual when it comes to automobiles–my household didn’t have one, we didn’t need one. But on Saturday, we’ll be going to a fleet sale for a rental company and we may well come home with a vehicle. That’s because lately it has become apparent to us […]