Monthly Archives: June 2015

Half a Million Acres Burned in Just One Day — Alaska Shatters Record For Worst June Wildfire Outbreak Ever

Originally posted on robertscribbler:
All throughout the mainstream media last week we heard the same myopic litany — ‘a massive wildfire outbreak ongoing in Alaska is not abnormal.’ Well, today, all pretense that there was anything normal about the 314 wildfires still raging throughout the state has gone up in a cloud of boreal forest,…

A play for peace this Saturday–FREE

This coming Saturday I will once again don whiteface and a clown nose and tell people the story of a clown, a hammer, a bomb, and God.  It is about a pacifist priest named Carl Kabat who disarmed a Minuteman III missile on Good Friday  1994 (which was also April Fool’s Day) while wearing a […]

Not a Tea Party, a Confederate Party

Originally posted on The Weekly Sift:
Tea Partiers say you don’t understand them because you don’t understand American history. That’s probably true, but not in the way they want you to think. Late in 2012, I came out of the Lincoln movie with two historical mysteries to solve: How did the two parties switch places…

Dylann Roof’s mental health and other delusions

I don’t think I need to tell you, but Dylann Roof, a 21 year old white man from South Carolina, has been apprehended after allegedly killing nine black parishioners at a church prayer meeting in Emanuel AME, an historic black church in Charleston, SC.  Words fail me. Fortunately, words didn’t fail Jon Stewart, who dispensed with […]

10.03.2015: Does Earth have an expiration date?

One of the confounding realities of global warming theory has been that nobody with the requisite knowledge of the science really wants to put a date on when an ‘Extinction’ event will occur. As I noted in an earlier post, there is even a great reluctance about using the E word–even when all the evidence points […]

Thanks Dr. Evil! Fossil Fuel Propaganda Misfire Goes Viral

The PR agencies retained by the fossil fuel people push back on negative perceptions. Their villain is Bill McKibben for wanting to keep all of us from burning all the energy we can because we’re ‘Muricans. While this is a misguided attempt to move the guilt onto climate activists, the reality is that (as I […]

Clueless proposal on older workers

Bad few days for my personal/family economic outlook. And not just me personally–while all the happy people are crowing about how well the economy has come back, I’ve been hit with one story of personal crisis after another. A friend forced out of his job due to injury; another friend given notice from a place she’s […]