Category Don’t know much about…


I try not to pick on the Gipper, mainly because the loyalty of the GOP to his legacy makes the MAGA people pale in comparison. Talking true smack about the Gipper brings hatred, as I learned upon publicizing Reagan’s role as the only US president convicted of War crimes.But lately it’s looking like 2022 will […]

Our Stoopid Country

For those joining us late, Jeffrey Epstein has apparently taken his own life in NY’s own MCC, one of the most secure jail facilities in the US prison system. He was on suicide watch, and had an earlier ‘incident’ a few weeks ago when bunking with an ex-cop. He thus secured his own cell and […]

Our friends the trees are slackers

I got in a dumb argument with someone on YouTube about a video. It’s about average for your fights on the Internets machine, but since some of the data might be interesting to you, I print it here as a courtesy. This is a story from the Financial Times of London: Short form: A company […]

Video on wet bulb extinction

COUNTDOWN TO EXTINCTION–A short (<5 min) version of the extinction scenario most of us in the doomer cult anticipate in the near future when Arctic ice goes away. I’ve already posted about wet bulb, but this has pretty colorful cartoons and animation. Thanks to Kevin Hester for bringing it to my attention. I’ve posted other […]

“Hottest May in 124 years”–derp

Such was the headline we’ve been greeted with in recent days by ‘responsible’ media outlets. Whether it was the Weather Channel or the New York Post, the same talking point–mostly it was ‘the hottest May in 124 years’. Most readers seeing the story (whether on their local news stand or in their ‘internets feed’) and probably […]

Las Vegas shooting–the rumors start (UPDATE)

A preamble. While I’ve frequently mentioned conspiracy theories here, I think I’ve been careful to draw a line on what (I think) is believable and what is not. For example, I think the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth have made a credible case that the story of 9/11 has a seriously compromised narrative. One […]

Stop reading this blog!

(Trigger warning–historical photo below that will upset you) The title of this article  is only half-serious. I promised an update on the evolving story of Omar Mateen, but that can wait. You need to read a book that has consumed me over the past few days. The title of the book is The Devil’s Chessboard: […]

Omar Mateen’s story unravels (updated)

A caveat here. My sympathy still lies with not only the victims of the Orlando massacre and their families, but my many LGBT friends who’ve (understandably) been taking this attack to heart. I had hoped that we would have some sort of closure in the days that followed news about the massacre. As usual, the mainstream […]

don’t know much about US war crimes…

This is ground I’ve been over before. Coming back to it is necessitated by the US attack on a hospital in Kunduz in Afghanistan. The organization Doctors without Borders (MSF) has reported that at least 30 people (including 12 staff members) were killed and scores of others were wounded or missing. There are reports that patients burned to death in their […]

Don’t know much about AGW–EXXON KNEW

This is a series I’ve posted in from time to time. The point of the title (‘don’t know much about….’) is meant to highlight a subject that I’ve found to be generally misunderstood or not part of the general knowledge of most people. The inspiration for the series was Kenneth C Davis‘ DON’T KNOW MUCH […]