Tag Archives: Spain

Another reason to vote against HRC

This meme has gotten a real workout over the past few weeks as a Hillary talking point. The implication is that if the Senate won’t confirm Obama’s pick for SCOTUS as a replacement for Antonin Scalia, we should all vote for HRC because she’ll put Obama in the position. *sigh* One of the problems I […]

You read it here first–W is a war criminal

http://George-W-Bush.jpg A group in Germany has crossed the Rubicon and formally filed a criminal complaint against the architects of the Bush Torture program: The European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights has filed a criminal complaint against U.S. torture program architects and members of the Bush Administration.  The charges follow the long-delayed release of the Senate Report on […]

A War Crime indictment for the use of drone aircraft

This is a follow-up to yesterday. I am simply reporting this news: it is not my post–it’s from Voices for Creative Nonviolence, a website I highly recommend for those who are trying to think of ways to stop the empire. Better yet, it’s a great website for those who are sitting on the fence about […]

Occupy Wall Street, Robert Rafsky, and ACT UP

Very few people reading this page remember a man named Robert Rafsky, whose 15 minutes of fame passed before many of today’s activists were out of diapers. One of the activists in the early days of ACT UP, he became momentarily famous in 1992 for getting in Bill Clinton’s face during the New York Primary and […]

Anger Rising–Spain, Greece embrace S29; Rome, Amsterdam, Berlin in solidarity

  Those of you who saw my blog post on the 27th know that I wrote about big street demonstrations in Madrid on the 25th. Well, you’d be hard-pressed to know it, but all weekend there were big street protests against ‘austerity’ in the Euro Zone. Here was the call to action in Spain. On […]