Tag Archives: Tea Party

Economic Free-fall mode

On Friday, the stock market (Wall Street and the rest of the world) was reeling after oil prices tanked to less than 50% of what they were in 2010. This after news that China’s stock market was kept afloat only after the central government rescued it. There’s lots of room left for markets to fall. […]

Not a Tea Party, a Confederate Party

Originally posted on The Weekly Sift:
Tea Partiers say you don’t understand them because you don’t understand American history. That’s probably true, but not in the way they want you to think. Late in 2012, I came out of the Lincoln movie with two historical mysteries to solve: How did the two parties switch places…

The search for a man on horseback

Noam Chomsky has just crossed a Rubicon. In a recent interview with Chris Hedges, Chomsky lays out his fears for the US and what is happening here: “I have never seen anything like this in my lifetime,” Chomsky added. “I am old enough to remember the 1930s. My whole family was unemployed. There were far […]

No good deed goes unpunished

Originally posted on The Vermont Political Observer.:
You try to do something nice… Last spring, Senate Minority Leader Joe Benning got a letter from an eighth-grader at The Riverside School in Lyndonville. She was studying Latin, and wanted Senator Joe to introduce a bill to give Vermont a Latin motto. We’ve got “Freedom and Unity,”…

Does the Tea Party WANT a default?

(warning–conspiracy theory ahead) I’ve been watching the clownies in DC dance the debt ceiling dance. What supposedly started as a fight over Obamacare (which more properly should be called ‘Romneycare‘ or even ‘Heritage Foundation care‘) has now morphed into a battle over government size. The Tea Party types, spurred on by ideologues with lots of […]

How to stop the Empire–the Government Shutdown edition

Yesterday the Republicrats managed to shut down the government. While I’d agree with many of my friends that this piece of political theatre is largely the province of the GOP and the Tea Party, there’s more than a bit of blame going for the Dems. Some thoughts: 1. I tour a play about a priest […]

Don’t Know much about History: Ron Reagan, War Criminal

Finally–someone (in the form of Stephen Colbert) called out Bill O’Reilly for constantly bringing up Ronald Reagan in all the discussion of Obama’s reaction to Syria’s alleged poison gas attack. I don’t take Bill-o terribly seriously anyway, but since the memes about Reagan are constantly being picked up, let’s be clear: Reagan inarguably made the […]

At Last! The GOP ‘fesses up about Willard’s taxes!!!

As at least 35 of you know by now (I know–I check hits daily), I followed the story of Willard Romney’s taxes and what he paid into the IRS for much of the last election. This was following up on the allegation by Harry Reid that the Mittster hadn’t been paying anything for a ten-year […]

STILL don’t know much about History…II

So here’s the deal: About a month ago, I posted an article about the problem of not having a common history in the United States. And by that, I meant that there are those inside of their own news bubbles who are not going to chance a lookup on Google to confirm or debunk some firmly-held […]