Tag Archives: impeachment

Five reasons to not vote GOP

I don’t know why this isn’t an issue every four years. Because EVERY FOUR YEARS, The GOP and the Dems square off to get a president elected, and every four years somewhere around 50% of American voters forget recent history. There have been five elected Republican presidents since Eisenhower stepped down. Every one has left […]

Fake news and confessions of a sucker

Last week, I wrote (based on numerous overlapping news reports) that Trump was set to fire Mueller on December 22. The event of 12/22 was the signing of the Tax ‘reform’ bill. Trump’s press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, has said and continues to say, there are no plans afoot to fire Mueller. I felt played, […]

You say you wanna revolution?

What People quickly understood was that there was no Constitutional mechanism for a do-over. The Founders didn’t think it was necessary to back-stop the Impeachment process with a way of dumping a whole government. Or if they did, it wasn’t expressed in the Constitution. I guess them old white guy slave-owner plutocrats figured if things were in the toilet that badly, we the people would figure out the need for revolt all on our lonesome.

‘IMPEACH PENCE FIRST’–a meme gone wrong?

A bit of background–eleven years ago, I found (and started wearing) an anti- Bush hat proclaiming IMPEACH CHENEY FIRST. The meme (we didn’t do ‘memes’ so much in 2005-06) was based on articles coming out of AfterDowningStreet, an activist organization that had uncovered and leaked internal memos indicating that Blair and Bush/Cheney were determined to attack Iraq […]


I get lots of article feeds from multiple perspectives. This is due to my early support of Bernie Sanders. Many of those who were working in that cause are now putting up articles about Clinton that are sometimes fomented by right-wing sources (Breitbart and Daily Caller come to mind). I also get plenty of anti-Trump […]

Don’t Know much about History: Ron Reagan, War Criminal

Finally–someone (in the form of Stephen Colbert) called out Bill O’Reilly for constantly bringing up Ronald Reagan in all the discussion of Obama’s reaction to Syria’s alleged poison gas attack. I don’t take Bill-o terribly seriously anyway, but since the memes about Reagan are constantly being picked up, let’s be clear: Reagan inarguably made the […]